Untitled and Undecided

After I finished up the last piece, Dread Persephone, I thought that I was done drawing real life pieces for a while so I could concentrate more on abstract and comic book looks. But then I saw this piece I started a long time ago. I thought I might as well finish this up and write-off my idea to do more athletic/fitness art as well.

Now that I have this piece finished, I’m back to being undecided. I have an idea for a comic book/graphic novel thing that I really need to get moving on. And that will involve a lot of writing, editing and concept sketching. That’s why I wanted to concentrate more on a comic style again. But something about this piece makes me wonder if that is the right decision. I’m happy with how it turned out and it reminded me of how much I enjoy illustrating sports/athletics subjects.

This piece started out as watercolor, then I moved it into a digital piece to do that line work, background and color tweaking. I used an image of crossfitter Brooke Ence for the model. Sort of related: I noticed that, while she was in the original Justice League movie in the background for just a moment, her character had a pretty good hero moment added into the Snyder Cut of the Justice League movie. Of course she played a warrior on Wonder Woman’s home island.

Characters From the Ether

There is nothing wild going on with this drawing. I just saw a reference photo by Ita-Its-art and the character just kind of introduced herself. She seems like some sort of authoritarian character out of a near-future, dystopian state. But her motives are pure. She is an Inspector or Detective for some sort of police force. Perhaps her investigation will start with a dead body, but it will end with the uncovering of a far-reaching conspiracy. Or I watch and read too much detective fiction. Either way, I drew Inspector 1331.

This started as a pencil and ink drawing in a large Moleskine sketchbook. But I ended up coating the hell out of it with a clear coat spray and started adding watercolor layers. Finished up in Photoshop.